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3.4 Using dsm2tif to Visualize DSMs

dsm2tif is a utility to convert 3Delight's proprietary deep shadow map files into viewable TIFF files. A DSM contains visibility data for any given depth in a scene, so one single 2D image (e.g. a TIFF) cannot describe all the information provided by a DSM; that is why command line parameters are provided to specify at which depth the evaluation occurs.

` -z depth'
Specifies a relative depth at which the deep shadow map is evaluated. "Relative" means that each pixel in the image is evaluated at its own depth. It is computed as follows: (pZmax-pZmin) * depth + pZmin. pZmin and pZmax being the depths of the closest and the furthest features present in the pixel. `-z 1' is the default, which shows the amount of light that passes through to infinity at each pixel.
` -Z depth'
Specifies an absolute depth (range: [0..1]) to evaluate the deep shadow map. "Absolute" means that all pixels in the output image are evaluated at the same depth, computed as follows: (Zmax-Zmin) * depth + Zmin. Zmin and Zmax being the depths of the closest and the furthest features in the DSM.
` -bias n'
Specifies a shadow bias for deep shadow map evaluation. This is needed to avoid self-occlusion problems. If the produced TIFF contains noisy areas, consider increasing this parameter. Default is 0.015.
` -opacity'
By default, dsm2tif assigns a "visibility" value to each pixel in the output TIFF, specifying this option assigns "opacity" values to each pixel (opacity = 1-visibility). This means that dark areas in the image indicate that light passes through unnoccluded.
` -mipmap n'
This options specifies which mipmap level is converted. Note that mipmapping can be disabled by an option given to the display driver (see section The DSM display driver).
` -8'
` -16'
` -32'
` -float'
Chooses data format for the output TIFF. Default is 8 bits per channel.
` -lzw'
` -deflate'
` -packbits'
` -logluv'
Selects a compression scheme. Default is `lzw'. `-logluv' is only supported with `-float' data type.
` -v'
Prints version and copyright information.
` -h'
Shows help text.

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