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8.13 Deep EXR display driver

This display driver writes out ILM's deep EXR files. There is no need to install any external libraries to use this display driver. The following parameters can be specified to the EXR display driver:

"uniform float tolerance" ["zip"]
"uniform flaot depthtolerance" ["zip"]
Specifies the tolerance alpha and depth, respectively. Default is 0.02 for alpha tolerance and 0.001 for depth tolerance. Decrease values for higher quality and larger files. Increase values for lower quality and smaller files.
"uniform string exrlineorder" ["increasing"]
Specifies if the image is to be written in `increasing' or `decreasing' Y. Default is `increasing'. When writing an image in decreasing Y order, the display driver has to buffer the entire image before writing it to the file. This could require a significant amount of temporary disk space.
"uniform string exrpixeltype" ["half"]
Specifies the precision of image data in the file. Set to `float' for full precision, at the cost of larger files.
"string comment" [""]
Attaches a comment to the produced EXR file.
"int margins[4]" [0 0 0 0]
Specifies in pixels how much of the frame is assumed to be overscan on the left, top, right and bottom side. The data and display windows of the file are adjusted accordingly. Note that this does not actually add the overscan to the render. That must be done separately.

`rendermn.ini' Entries

The EXR display drivers recognizes the following parameter:

Contains the default pixel type to use if none is specified to the display driver.

More about the `rendermn.ini' configuration file in Configuration file (`rendermn.ini').

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