Short Contents

2.1 MacOS X

An auto-install package is provided for MacOS X users. Administrator privileges are needed to install 3Delight because everything is copied to `/Applications/3Delight/', which is not accessible to all users. The installation program asks for the appropriate password.

The installer adds a few lines to the `/etc/csh.cshrc', `/etc/csh.login' and `/etc/bashrc' files. The original files are saved as `/etc/csh.cshrc.3delight.bck', `/etc/csh.login.3delight.bck' and `/etc/bashrc.3delight.bck' respectively.

To test your installation, perform the following easy steps:

  1. Open a Terminal and type the following commands:
    cd $DELIGHT/examples/rtshadows
    renderdl shadtest.rib
  2. A file named `shadtest.tif' should appear in the current directory. You can view it with any image viewer.

Other examples are available in the `examples' folder. We suggest you run them.

If you encounter problems during installation, write to and we will be glad to provide assitance.

3Delight 10.0. Copyright 2000-2011 The 3Delight Team. All Rights Reserved.