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2.2 Linux

For LINUX systems an installation script is provided. It should do everything for you. Here is an example of an installation session (the 3Delight .gz file has been downloaded into the `~/downloads' directory and is to be installed in the `~/software' directory).

% cd ~/downloads
% gunzip 3delight-11.0.0-Linux-x86_64.tar.gz
% tar xf 3delight-11.0.0-Linux-x86_64.tar
% cd 3delight-11.0.0-Linux-x86_64
% ./install --prefix ~/software/
% cd ~/software/3delight-11.0.0/
% unsetenv DELIGHT
% source .3delight_bash
% cd $DELIGHT/examples/opacity/
% shaderdl
% renderdl cubits.rib
% exit

After typing those commands, `cubits.tiff' should appear in your directory.

Note that if you do not specify the `--prefix' option to install, 3Delight is installed in `/usr/local'(1).

Finally, you should add the following line to your `.login' file:

source ~/software/3delight-3.0.0/.3delight_csh

If you use bash, then you should add:

source ~/software/3delight-3.0.0/.3delight_bash

3Delight 10.0. Copyright 2000-2011 The 3Delight Team. All Rights Reserved.