Short Contents



"root" permissions are required when installing in `/usr/local'.


The deprecated DL_RIB_OUTPUT is also accepted for compatibility with older versions


The aspect ratio is set to 1.0.


The identifier following the keyword surface, displacement, light, volume or imager in the SL code.


Such as those used by Maya software.


Such as those used by SoftImage software.


Such as those used by Abobe Photoshop software.


Native format of Truevision Inc.


Refer to


Refer to


Compression is performed on strips in TIFFs, not scanlines.


To find a shader, shaderinfo uses the search paths specified by the DL_SHADERS_PATH (or DL_RESOURCES_PATH) environment variable.


Does not work on brick maps.


See Advanced RenderMan: Creating CGI for Motion Pictures, p.151, for a complete discussion about eye splits.


Rays in 3Delight carry ray differentials so that it becomes possible to compute the area of the hit point.


Approximate, since computed as follow : (number of buckets rendered) \over total number of buckets.


Although the difference with the correct "illuminance" sampling is in many case unnoticeable.


This include explicit and implicit illuminance loops that are hidden inside shadeops such as specular().


Calls to the procedural will then be serialized.


Other subdivision schemes (such as Loop and Butterfly) are rendered as polygonal meshes.


Repulsion planes are not supported yet.


Unless they are ambient lights, in which case they don't need such a construct.


Similarly to all RenderMan-compliant renderers.


Matrices declared using Ri calls or in a RIB file are column major.


If less initializer are specified, the remaining elements are set to zero.


Nothing to do with C++ classes.


Although the shader compiler is good at detecting variables that have not been declared properly and turn them into uniforms.


We call them "classical" since they are present, in one form or another, in almost all programming languages.


Lights are listed in the same order as issued during scene description.


And some sampling for custom made illuminance loops.


Interestingly, this is the only construct in the RenderMan shading language that explicitly relies, in its standard form, on a specific rendering algorithm.


All variable names are case sensitive.


This parameter is somewhat redundant to the `environment' category. In the future, `environment' category will be replaced by a `samplepattern' category combined with `distribution' parameter


More formally, the RenderMan shading languages imeplemtns ad-hoc polymorphism through method overrides.


A very large floating point number is actually returned, it is equal to FLT_MAX (approximately 3.4e38)


This spline may also be selected with `catrom' or `cr'.


Deriv() computes the following expression: Du(num)/Du(denum) + Dv(num)/Dv(denum)


When converting to and from XYZ color space, 3Delight considers that RGB tristimulus values conform to Rec. 709 (with a white point of D65 ).


So setting falloff to 1 gives a linear falloff curve.


"scale" is also.


"normalize" is also accepted


See `man regex' for details (man pages available on UNIX-like platforms only).


x varies from -1 to 1 (left to right) and y from 1 to -1 (top to bottom)


The `-p' and the `-hosts' options should not be used together.


Also known as geometric exposure.


Refer to Primitives Visibility and Ray Tracing Attributes for more about visibility.


Note that shadow() can ray trace shadows only from light source shaders.


Refer to Displacement for more information.


Increasing RiPixelSamples only affects the anti-aliasing in the primary REYES render.


`Os' and `shader' are also valid but slower and add very little.


Although one can specify a `distribution' parameter to occlusion() to specify arbitrary ray distributions, as explained in occlusion shadeop.


Although the error is usually unnoticeable.


Executing all light sources can have an adverse impact on performance.


Surface shaders that contain displacement should be treated with care or replaced by displacement shaders


Not the case when using the `raytrace' hider.


In other renderers that have added this functionality only in recent years, this is most commonly referred to as "rendering in passes".


If supported by the display driver.


Note that this will increase the number of actual channels in the Display or DisplayChannel by one.


It is also possible to use RiRelativeDetail to modify renderer's detail estimate.


Permissions mask : 0775.


`librib.a' or `libribout.a'


Those shaders benefit from properly anti-aliased code.


Remember that shader's parameters are uniform by default and that local variables are varying by default


Or DLL on Windows.


They can also be saved to other formats using a user provided conversion application, refer to i-display's documentation


Visit for more informations about this encoding scheme.


For a detailed specification of the TIFF format, refer to


i-display defines this function call


This is better than using printf() or the like.


Refer to for information about this fractal.


Don't worry, time stills work in your reality


The plug-in itself uses the Sx API to query this shader.


This can be useful to simply test the existence of the grid.


When two annotations share the same key, their `<text>' field is concatenated.

3Delight 10.0. Copyright 2000-2011 The 3Delight Team. All Rights Reserved.