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8.3 The TIFF display driver

This display driver writes the rendered image into a TIFF file. It is a full featured display driver that is recommended for production work. The TIFF is written incrementally, meaning that one could display the image at any time; this can be useful for long or aborted renders. Compressed TIFFs and cropping are supported. This display driver understands the following parameters.

"string fullimage" ["on"]
When using RiCropWindow, this parameter enables you to create an image of the original size, with the cropped region placed inside. Areas that are outside the crop window are set to black (and alpha 0). This option is useful when compositing a cropped image with a matching complete image. The default value is `off'.
"string compression" ["lzw"]
LZW compression, default.
No compression.
Run length encoding.
Deflate compression (zip).
LogLuv compression, perfect for high dynamic range images. Expects floating point data as input. A limitation of this compression scheme is that the alpha channel cannot be stored in the same TIFF directory as the image, so it is written separately in a 2nd directory. The white point is also stored in the TIFF when using this compression.
"string description" "s"
Specifies a description string which is stored in the TIFF.
"string extratags" ["on"]
By default, this display driver writes some useful informations to the TIFF by using the tagging mechanism(67); however, some tags are not supported by all TIFF software (See table below), this option can turn those tags to `off'. Tags marked with an '*' can be disabled using this option.

Tag name Description
SOFTWARE Is set to something like "3Delight 0.9.6 (Sep 26 2002) "Fidelio"".
IMAGEDESCRIPTION Is set to a user provided description, if any.
XPOSITION The x cropping position in pixels, only active when cropping and "fullimage" is "off" (default).
YPOSITION The y cropping position in pixels, only active when cropping and "fullimage" is "off" (default).
WHITEPOINT White point when using LOGLUV compression.
PIXAR_IMAGEFULLWIDTH* Set when an image has been cropped out of a larger image; reflects the width of the original (non cropped) image.
PIXAR_IMAGEFULLLENGTH* Set when an image has been cropped out of a larger image; reflects the height of the original non cropped image.
PIXAR_MATRIX_WORLDTOSCREEN* World to Normalized Device Coordinates transformation matrix.
PIXAR_MATRIX_WORLDTOCAMERA* World to Camera transformation matrix.
Table 8.1: Tags written by the TIFF display driver.

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